Product Description:
On the eve of her ninth birthday, unassuming Rose Edelstein, a girl at the periphery of schoolyard games and her distracted parents’ attention, bites into her mother’s homemade lemon-chocolate cake and discovers she has a magical gift: she can taste her mother’s emotions in the cake. She discovers this gift to her horror, for her mother—her cheerful, good-with-crafts, can-do mother—tastes of despair and desperation. Suddenly, and for the rest of her life, food becomes a peril and a threat to Rose.
Angela Hatton says:
“When I hear the word “superpower,” I go back to the classic debate. What would you rather have: invisibility or the ability to fly? In her latest novel, Aimee Bender brings the fantastical to the mundane. Rose discovers on her ninth birthday that she can taste people’s emotions in the food they make. As she tries to balance growing up normally with all the secrets she learns through food, Rose begins to suspect she isn’t the only one in her family who’s different.”
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