The Telstar relayed international television, telephone, and fax upon launching into space 50 years ago. In its first video feed, JFK talked to a European audience about the price of the American dollar. Telstar also looks a bit like R2-D2.
It’s Tuesday, July 10
There’s an Art for Veterans reception tonight from 6 to 8 at the Guild Art Gallery in Hopkinsville. The reception will feature new original paintings and photographs, along with jewelry, woodworking, and pottery from the Hopkinsville Art Guild members. Donations will be accepted for the Veterans Shelter and the Pennyroyal Mental Health Center. See for more.
The Murray Calloway County Hospital Blood Donor Center will hold a blood drive tomorrow at the Center for Health and Wellness. Hours are 8:30AM to 5PM. No appointment necessary.
The Calloway County Public Library offers workshop sessions tomorrow for preschool and early elementary children. Children can learn about artwork by Eric Carle, creator of books such as The Very Hungry Caterpillar and The Very Quiet Cricket. Sessions meet at 9, 10:30, and 1. Pre-registration is required by calling Sandy Linn at 753-2288.
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