Southern Kentucky Independent Theatre holds auditions for "Smoke on the Mountain.” The show follows the Sanders family to a 1938 Saturday night gospel singing and features 27 standard bluegrass gospel songs. Auditions are held at the Janice Mason Art Museum this Thursday and Friday at 6:30 and Saturday at 10 a.m. Callbacks are Sunday afternoon at 2.
The Jackson Purchase Foundation offers a Rain Barrel Workshop this Friday from 9 to noon at the Murray Woman’s Clubhouse. The workshop is free, and rain barrel kits are available for purchase. It’s the first in a series of three summer conservation workshops to be held in Murray. To pre-register, call the foundation at (270) 908-4545.
The Between the Rivers Hiking Club leads a hike along the 11-mile Canal Loop Trail this Saturday morning at 9 in celebration of National Trails Day. More information is available by contacting club president Sharon Simmons at