Psychology professor Dr. Michael Bordieri visits Tracy Ross on Sound Good to discuss the potential benefits and downfalls of marijuana use for medicinal purposes.
As of October 2017, 29 out of 50 states have legalized marijuana, either medicinal or recreational.
Although Kentucky state senator Perry Clark introduced a new proposal of medicinal marijuana laws to the Senate in 2016, the state has not been quick to jump on the cannabis train.
Since marijuana is considered a new form of medicine in modern society, extensive research still needs to be done to assess the effectiveness of the drug.
Murrya State psychology professor Dr. Michael Bordieri discusses the potential benefits and downfalls of using marijuana, and what part these advantages/disadvantages play in attempts for legalization in the commonwealth.
There is significant evidence supporting the effectiveness of THC in alleviating pain associated with neurological disorders, cancer, or muscular disorders. However, there is not as definitive of proof for mental disorders. In fact, some evidence suggests that the relationship between marijuana usage and mental health could be a negative one.