A company producing plastic goods is relocating to Paducah and plans to hire more than 200 employees, 80 within the coming weeks. Greater Paducah Economic…
The leader of Paducah’s economic development agency said a locomotive manufacturing company that reopened a facility in Paducah last year hasn’t hired for…
A pipe manufacturer has announced it will be closing its plant in Paducah, but the company also said it has a potential buyer that could restart…
The Paducah City Commission has approved a two-year contract with Barbecue on the River, Inc. - the first formal agreement between the city and organizers…
Paducah Economic Development board members have chosen a new CEO after a nearly four-month national search.Scott Darnell currently serves as president of…
The Paducah Economic Development Council has hired a consultant as part of its search for a new CEO.Mississippi-based Logan Development Group will…
The McCracken County Fiscal Court approved a lease to Genova Products, a Michigan-based vinyl and plumbing products company, for the former Infiniti…