Old Kentucky Tales returns to the airwaves for its seventh season this fall. Hosts Brent Taylor and Jason Donner and producer Todd Birdsong speak to Tracy…
As the U.S. House and Senate consider legislation to finally make lynching a federal crime, a Kentucky historian who has written a book on racial violence…
A little over two weeks ago, we spoke with two professors of Murray State's history department who were among the 72 Kentucky history professors who…
American pioneer and frontiersman Daniel Boone is considered one of the founding fathers of white settlement in Kentucky and though it can be a challenge…
Seventy-two history professors in Kentucky have signed a letter to the Historic Properties Advisory Commission of Kentucky calling for the removal of the…
The keynote speaker at this year's MSU History Department James Hammack Banquet, Dr. Anne Marshall, teaches history at Mississippi State University with…
Murray State's Department of History's distinguished Hammack Scholarship Banquet is September 14th in the University's Curris Center Ballroom.…
Paducah resident Gerry Marshall has a degree in zoology from the University of Kentucky. She’s published a number of books, as well as over 100 articles,…
Buy this book on Amazon(Your purchase supports WKMS!)Product Description:‘United We Stand, Divided We Fall’ is Kentucky’s motto. Yet the Civil War sharply…