WKMS has been checking in at the Superman Celebration going on in Metropolis this weekend.
Mayor Billy McDaniel says the annual festival costs the city around $80,000 to host, but brings in revenue for the city through sales taxes, gas, hospitality, food vending, as well as publicity for the city. He says visitors sometimes book their visits a year in advance. McDaniel says the Superman festival brings out comic enthusiasts of all ages- children to seniors.
“Believe me, for the last 3 or 4 days, you’ve seen latex where latex probably shouldn’t go.”
Last year the station received a call from a person who found our signal in Paducah while on vacation at the Superman Festival. Meet New Yorker James Scheuer. (first audio listed above)
James Scheuer put Kate Lochte in touch with his friend, a regular character at the Celebration, “Super Joe.” Joe Horn goes by “Super Joe” and enjoys every year’s Superman Celebration in costume. (second audio listed above)
Paducah native Adele Ballard of Adele’s Canning Made Perfect is selling her jams and jellies at the Superman Celebration this weekend. See supermancelebration.net for the schedule of events through Sunday. (third audio listed above)
John Glover, Cassidy Freeman, and Gerard Christopher are among celebrities attending this year. John Rockwell, the original Superboy from the pilot of "The Adventures of Superboy," will be there as well.