UPDATE: County officials have confirmed that Calloway County Attorney David Harrington has died in the hospital after suffering a gunshot wound to the head over the weekend.
Calloway County Judge Executive Larry Elkins says he's spoken with Harrington's staff who informed him that the county attorney died today.
"I've known David for many years back when he was a young county attorney and I was working for the police department," said Elkins. "I just like for everybody to remember that he served his community for many, many years loyally and that's the way we want him remembered."
Elkins says that Harrington's two deputy county attorneys will handle his case load until a interim replacement is found to fill out the rest of his term.
Original Story:
Deputy Calloway County Attorneys will handle the cases for the immediate future as County Attorney David Harrington receives medical treatment after he was found shot in the head in Graves County over the weekend.
Kentucky State Police Post 1 Public Information Officer Jay Thomas says no criminal activity is suspected.
Harrington is receiving treatment at Nashville's Vanderbilt Medical Center.
Calloway County Judge Executive Larry Elkins says Harrington’s deputies will be covering his case load until a decision on an interim replacement is made possibly later this week.
Harrington has held the position from 1990 to 1998, and then served consecutive terms as County Attorney since 2003. Harrington had announced in March his plans to retire at the end of his term in December.