Kentucky Transportation Cabinet crews worked through the night, plowing and spreading salt on most roads throughout the region, but there’s still plenty of slick driving to be found.
Due to the extreme cold, road crews were only able to pre-treat 1/3 of roadways; focusing efforts on state highways, interstates and parkways.
This morning, most roads appear to have heavy snow cover, other than Caldwell and Christian County, which saw significantly less accumulation.
KYTC spokesman Keith Todd says temperatures are high enough where salt and chemicals are active, and the fallen snow is mostly light and fluffy making it easier to plow.
Pavement temperatures are at or near 32 degrees this morning and sunshine will help melt some covered roads.
Nonetheless, everyone is advised to only drive in an emergency, to drive slow and pay attention to the road.
Some accidents did occur late yesterday including an unloaded school bus rear-ended a brine truck on I-24 near the Kentucky-Tennessee line closing parts of the interstate for several hours. Both drivers were taken to hospital.