The Tennessee Health Department today announced an increase in the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases. According to the tracker on the state health department’s website there are now 615 confirmed COVID-19 cases in Tennessee, one of which is reportedly in Weakley County. But Weakley County Mayor Jake Bynum says that’s not accurate.
In a social media post Bynum wrote in part, “While I have no doubt that COVID-19 will eventually make its way to Weakly County, as of 3/23/2020 our community still does not have a confirmed case.”
Bynum said the director of the Weakley County Health Department (WCHD) advised the county’s inclusion on today’s update was a clerical error. He said a resident from a neighboring county tested positive from a test administered at the WCHD and the data was recorded by a person with the regional health department who didn’t realize the affected person lived in an area outside of the test site.
“While I am sure that we will eventually see COVID-19 in our community, today is not that day,” Bynum wrote. “Let this false alarm be the reminder to each one of us to #StayCalmStayInPrayerStayWellStayHome #TogetherApartInWeakley.”