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the morning cram [face it, we're younger and faster...edition]

…face it, I’m older and have more insurance.

NPR reports as economic struggles have kept more people from retiring, and brought many out of retirement, age discrimination claims are up. But it’s tough to prove.

Kentucky~ The Racers are OVC champs. ‘Yourlightswere out‘, says the giant boat to the tiny bridge. There are more ways to win, or more likely lose at Kentucky Downs.

Illinois~ There’s a new sheriff in town (sheriff meaning chief, and town meaning Metropolis).

Tennessee~ Haslam gave up his class size idea.  Residents are getting out early in the primary. It’s getting harder to ‘say’gay’.

Gary Pitts is a music loving outdoorsman who coincidentally loves outdoor music. He is a student at Murray State pursuing a music minor to complement his history major. Gary is a member of the MSU Guitar Ensemble and greatly enjoys the Latin grooves he and the other ensemble members get throw down on. When he is not producing news, jamming on his guitar, or pursuing music history research, he is usually canoeing or biking somewhere in nature with his wife Siobian.
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