FRANKFORT — A preliminary report from the Kentucky Office of the Ombudsman says dozens of foster children — including a 1-year-old — have spent an average of four days in Cabinet for Health and Family Services office buildings over a four month period in 2024.
More than 200 Kentucky kids in foster care are considered “medically complex.” Two Kentucky families who shared their story say there’s a need for more foster families.
The rate of children in Kentucky’s foster care system who are reunited with their families has been steadily declining for years — and now it’s the lowest it’s been in over a decade.
About 40% of eligible Kentuckians, 18 to 26 who were in foster care or had aged out, actually received money from the state's $7.4 million in federal aid.
State employees along with officials in county attorneys’ offices have collected more than one thousand coats and hoodies for children in Kentucky’s…