Downtown Paducah transforms into a magical atmosphere in "Dickens of a Christmas" on November 29, as part of Small Business Saturday. Paducah Main Street Director Melinda Winchester joins Kate Lochte on Sounds Good with a preview of the day, featuring carriage rides, dancers, s'mores by the fire and more.
Dickens of a Christmas in Downtown Paducah
November 29 - 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Melinda Winchester says the idea was to create a unique and fun atmosphere for Small Business Saturday, to encourage families to shop in downtown Paducah and to take part in some holiday festivities. Main Street has partnered with local businesses and schools around town to create a day featuring shopping sales, home tours, youth orchestras, caroling, carriage rides, improv, free gift-wrapping, Christmas story time, a showing of Elf at Maiden Alley Cinema and a grand entrance by Santa and Mrs. Claus.