Former McCracken County PVA Nancy Bock sentenced to four years in prison.
In April, Bock pleaded guilty to stealing more than $5,000 dollars from the county through forged travel vouchers and unauthorized credit card transactions.
Judge Timothy Stark sentenced Bock to turn herself over to McCracken County Jail on Friday at 5 p.m.
Mark Bryant is the defense attorney representing Bock. Bryant says he was an attorney in McCracken County for 17 years and “understands the system”.
He says the McCracken County jails are crowded and Bock will most likely receive parole after 7 months. However, Bryant says shock probation after 30 days at Judge Stark’s discretion is a possibility.
Shock probation is meant for first time offenders, such as Bock. The logic behind shock probation is that the initial experience of prison works as a deterrent for offenders to repeat their criminal activity.