The four candidates for Kentucky’s 2nd District House seat presented their platforms in a public forum in Mayfield last night. Democrat Kelly Whitaker spoke about how she would like to see Kentucky reform its tax code. Whitaker says the Commonwealth’s current system focuses on income and property taxes.
“It’s not a fair system to the majority of the citizens of Kentucky. I believe a more fair system would be of course the sales tax and a use tax and sometimes that might be on services and not just products.”
The other Democrat running for the State Representative seat, Arthur Byrn, says the first step in a Kentucky tax reform would be to take into consideration recommendations by the governor’s Blue Ribbon Commission, which is studying potential changes to the tax code.
“The legislature has never even given them a full discussion. No more than lip service. So the first thing we have to do is make sure when these recommendations come down, whenever they are, they get a fill airing, a fill hearing, a full discussion so we would know what would work.”
Republicans Richard Heath and Patrick Fisher were also present at the forum.