Friday's Supreme Court ruling on same-sex marriage in the U.S. ended the debate on its legality, but Murray Human Rights Commission chair and Murray State University LGBT coordinator Jody Cofer Randall says the conversation only just started on the possible consequences same-sex couples could face, like how the decision will impact other issues like parenting.
“Today’s ruling could be one of the most important Human Rights or Civil Rights Cases in our lifetime," Randall said.
While the decision is historic and received as a long time coming, one part of Justice Anthony Kennedy’s opinion came as bit of a surprise to Randall.
“There was a lot said about children, I did not expect that when I read through it," Randall said. "There was a lot said about the role of having a legally recognized couple raising children, regardless of their gender. I thought that was an interesting twist that Justice Kennedy put in the opinion.”
People may be looking at Friday’s decision as the pinnacle of the LGBT fight, but many fundamental issues in housing, job security and parental rights have yet to be settled. Kentucky Gov. Steve Beshear has directed all cabinets of the executive branch to implement the decision immediately, despite dissent from political leaders.
Calloway County Clerk Antonia Faulkner issued the first marriage license for a same-sex couple only hours after the decision was received.