A theater program that gives children with disabilities a chance to express themselves on stage in Murray and 26 other venues is the recipient of national honors.
The National Endowment for the Arts recently awarded 'The Penguin Project' the 2017 National Arts and Humanities Youth Program Award.
Murray’s Playhouse in the Park Executive Director Lisa Cope said the award is one of the ‘highest honors’ for this type of program. She said the project has had a significant impact on not only the children, but also their families.
“I think that’s the most significant thing and the thing we hear most often from the parents is that it changes the way they are able to communicate as a family. It really brings those students out," said Cope.
She said The Penguin Project helps children develop stronger communication and social skills while forming lifelong friendships. The project first came to Murray in 2014. Playhouse in the Park is the only participating theater in Kentucky and the seventh community theater to take part in the program.