The bill is the fourth filed in Kentucky inspired by a national movement targeting classroom discussions on race.
A Democratic state lawmaker has filed a bill to require public middle and high schools to teach the history of racism in the country.
João Alberto Silveira Freitas died after an encounter with security guards outside a grocery store in southern Brazil. It was partially captured on cellphone video and later posted to social media.
Young African American doctors say they hope to change the lack of access to medicine in underserved communities. But many say the system that trains them also alienates them.
The Kentucky Exposition Center is re-evaluating its policies after discovering that Nazi Christmas decorations and an authentic Ku Klux Klan robe were on…
As the U.S. House and Senate consider legislation to finally make lynching a federal crime, a Kentucky historian who has written a book on racial violence…
In Black Klansman, Ron Stallworth writes about an undercover investigation in which he — an African-American police detective — convinced the Ku Klux Klan that he was one of them.
Critics pounced after Barr said she was "Ambien tweeting" at 2 in the morning. She also said she believed the target of her tweet, Valerie Jarrett, was Saudi or Jewish or Persian — rather than black.
After some students walked out of Lawrence Rosen's class at Princeton last week, debate has raged over the appropriate way to handle hate speech in the classroom.
The FBI uncovered ties to "an 'alt-right' Neo-Nazi group" and accounts that the suspect talked about killing black people, according to court papers.