A western Kentucky town that lost its movie theater in recent years due to financial impacts from the pandemic is now facing the prospect of its local bowling alley closing down next month.
Calvert City’s Kim Robinson, who has represented the commonwealth as Mrs. Kentucky since being crowned on August 22, 2020, is headed to Vegas to compete…
Kentucky State Police posts across the state are participating in a fundraiser for Special Olympics called Cover the Cruiser. Police said in a statement…
A Murray teen won gold this week at the Special Olympics USA Games in Seattle, Washington.This year marks the fourth Special Olympic USA Games where more…
West Kentucky Special Olympics is gearing up for their signature fundraising event: the polar plunge at Kentucky Dam Village. On Sounds Good, Austin…
Special Olympics Kentucky provides youth who have disabilities with over 15 different sports programs ranging from downhill skiing to equestrian riding to…
The Polar Plunge takes its sixth annual dive in western Kentucky on February 21 at Kentucky Dam Village State Resort Park, where more than 800 are…
Kentucky Lake temperatures are at a chilly 37 degrees today as Polar Plunge participants prepare to jump in tomorrow to raise money for the Special…
Brrr! Perhaps the chilliest fundraising event of the year, the Western Kentucky Plunge Polar Plunging pits brave Kentuckians against the icy waters of…
Due to technical difficulties, we are not able to provide the audio from Friday's Special Olympics/Polar Plunge interview on Sounds Good. We apologize for…